Saturday, November 28, 2020

Journal entry 5

    Yard Work! I did a massive amount of yard work today. Why am I writing about this? Umm because I need to write about something of course, well I don't NEED to but I'm trying to get into the habit of it if that makes sense? I pulled a good amount of weeds, trimmed a bush as well as helping my dad take down shutters. It was surprisingly more enjoyable than usual in part due to listening to music at the same time which kept me positive and motivated.

    I also watched the new episode of RWBY today. That's another thing I forgot to mention in this here blog I am Completely enthralled by Rooster Teeth's hit web series called RWBY and the world of Remnant that the show takes place in. Though this is clearly not enough of a blog post I will end here for now and try to write more soon. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Journal entry 3

 I live in Florida now. I'm simply doing this entry to get back into the writing and posting habit. Im searching for a job 

Monday, May 25, 2020


WOW it has been a while since I wrote on this blog. I will try to update it more though I can't believe I didn't post for this long man I suck at this

Sunday, August 13, 2017



As I watch South Park live on YouTube, I ponder a lot of things. My blog may become an outlet for me to write, express myself, and vent to help myself and hopefully BUT even more importantly others

I'm experiencing duality and conflict within myself right now as I KNOW everybody is

My advice:

First of all if you are reading this I'm flattered, embarrassed, and surprised if you know me but anyways talk to people anyone a Friend, a family member, a therapist, a random stranger, it really helps.

Secondly express yourself  on a blog or a YouTube channel and try to advertise it. Look I realize I'm not one to talk as I have many problems: Laziness, Anger, Stress, more but my point is I'm in no position to make a point, but that's' besides the point.

Lastly, do what you love to do, but not too much, again I am in no place to lecture and I'm not trying to lecture anybody but myself, That my Friend, Enemy, or unknown stranger is the point.


Two good games that are difficult to get into but deserve your time. Hitman is a stealth game that urges you to figure out a method to assassinate somebody on your own through real world locations such as  Colorado or Japan. The immersion and presentation of this game is top notch though I personally feel its gameplay mechanics could use improvement. Final Fantasy XV on the other hand takes you through an imaginative world with amazing gameplay mechanics and a UI that leaves much to be desired in terms of accessibility.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Normally I don't talk about politics so I will make this brief The reason that Trump is a popular candidate is because the majority of smart people in our country are so jaded by the negativity of politics that they do not bother so the ones who are left are the extremists on the conservative end of the spectrum though I am sure a lot of trump supporters are good people

Monday, July 11, 2016

Broforce is a superb indie gem available on steam ps4 and vita. It is a 2-D shooter reminiscent of games like contra and gunstar heroes. It does however have some more modern gameplay innovations that make it stand out as well as its own unique personality that is a loving homage to famous action movies.

In the game you play as various parodies of action movie heroes with the word bro shoved into their name. These characters include rambro (Rambo) the Brominator (the terminator) and Snake Broskin (Snake Pliskin in the film Escape From New York) Each character has a unique playstyle and special attack as well

The gameplay is pretty straightforward, you go through a level killing all the terrorists and or aliens you see until you get to the end of the level where a helicopter gives you a lift out of the level as it explodes. However, during combat one must be quick-witted and smart as there is no health bar. If you get bitten by an alien or a shot by a terrorist your character dies and you must either restart from a checkpoint with one of your other lives or start from the very beginning of the level.

If you are a fan of action movies or really good video games then I  would highly recommend broforce I would give it 9 out of 10 stars.