Broforce is a superb indie gem available on steam ps4 and vita. It is a 2-D shooter reminiscent of games like contra and gunstar heroes. It does however have some more modern gameplay innovations that make it stand out as well as its own unique personality that is a loving homage to famous action movies.
In the game you play as various parodies of action movie heroes with the word bro shoved into their name. These characters include rambro (Rambo) the Brominator (the terminator) and Snake Broskin (Snake Pliskin in the film Escape From New York) Each character has a unique playstyle and special attack as well
The gameplay is pretty straightforward, you go through a level killing all the terrorists and or aliens you see until you get to the end of the level where a helicopter gives you a lift out of the level as it explodes. However, during combat one must be quick-witted and smart as there is no health bar. If you get bitten by an alien or a shot by a terrorist your character dies and you must either restart from a checkpoint with one of your other lives or start from the very beginning of the level.
If you are a fan of action movies or really good video games then I would highly recommend broforce I would give it 9 out of 10 stars.